You are free to deploy Wikifriend anywhere you prefer.
Private cloud and on premise deployment options provide the full control over the system, which is often a requirement in stringent security domains and know perfectly the demand of security in sectors banking, health care, insurance projects.
Voice assistants like Amazon Alexa stream the conversation with their users into the cloud as soon as they say the "wake-up word". The "Smart Speakers" have been criticized for recording and analyzing excerpts of conversations with employees. Wiki-friend takes a different approach here: customers want to use smart language assistants, but they don't want to be constantly overheard. Wikifriend performs speech recognition and natural speech processing on the device itself, which means that no speech data leaves the device (privacy by design). In addition, all software is hosted in Germany.
Speech recognition and speech processing have different nuances that are worth deciphering: Is the user in a good or bad mood? Which reaction of the speech assistant is inappropriate in which situation? Wikifriend has its own semantic algorithm that identifies word types, performs mood analyses, recognizes certain relationships and evaluates content. People use all these abilities intuitively in their communication with each other. Wikifriend has developed a language analysis (NLP), which is particularly aimed at the emotional analysis and characterization of the individual user. With the help of our Deep Learning algorithm, which is constantly learning new things, our users can have a personalized conversation.
Companies want to improve their customer relationships through the use of a virtual assistant and generate new leads. But language assistants can also frustrate customers by giving the same answers over and over again or remaining completely silent. To be effective, a language assistant needs to do more than wait for someone to ask it a question. The new generation of high-quality language assistants has an innovative approach: With proactivity and well-structured scenarios, Wikifriend's software is able to proactively ask users questions, personalize answers, guide dialogue, respond to their mood and even get them back into the conversation.
our semantic platform helps you to create your personal Virtual Assistant for your brand.
this ready to use product turns your news agency or blog into a semantic search.
Our Machine Learning is provided by the integration of the Business Intelligence directly inside the semantic engine. This helps your knowledge base to grow automatically
Wikifriend offers Software and Hardware with AI for Smart Home, Smart Health and Virtual Assistants
Wikifriend UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Klemkestr. 4
13409 Berlin
Berlin - Charlottenburg
HRB 183577 B
imprint privacy developers