
 Klicken Sie auf TRY, um auf die semantische Plattform Wikifriend zuzugreifen. Um unsere API nutzen zu können, müssen Sie ein Token anfordern, das den Agenten identifiziert, den Sie verwenden möchten. Klicken Sie auf DOC, um die API-Dokumentation zu lesen.

API Answer Beschreibung

Diese API bietet Zugriff auf die Wikifriend Semantic Engine. Um auf diese API zugreifen zu können, müssen Sie im Header den Wikiclone-Code angeben, der den Agenten identifiziert, den Sie ansteuern möchten.


fieldpossible valuesis required
wikiagentThe agent-id provided by
usernameThe username of the sender of the message.yes if guest is not valued.
guestAllow access to guest usersyes if guest is not valued.
questionThe question to send to the Semantic Engine.yes
force_subscription0 do not force username subscription
1 force username subscription.
outputjson, xml, html, textyes
languagethe ISO 639-1 code of the language.yes
of results

Question Payload 

field  possible values is required
text The text of the question.yes
ask_for_metadata0 or 1no
using_repeating_answers0 or
extra_dataan xml string defining extra
of results

Post Processed Answer details 

field descriptionis optional
post_processed_answerA message describing specific events composed during post processing.yes
of result

Answer item details

field descriptionis optional
answer The text of the
themeThe theme of the answer.yes
contextThe context of the answer.yes
snippetThe snippet used by this answer.yes
sequence_number The sequence id of the given
answer_scoreThe score of the given answer. Higher is the score, more accurate is the
tagsTags linked to this answer.yes
labelA label describing this answer topic.yes
categoryThe category of this answer.yes
sub_categoryThe sub category of this answer.yes
answer_languageThe language of the returned answer.yes
is_agent_answer Specifies if the returned answer was given by the
is_dummy_answerSpecifies if the returned answer is not part of the specific
is_dummy_floor_answerSpecifies if the returned answer is a
is_suggestion_answerSpecifies if the returned answer is a
is_international_questionSpecifies if the question was expressed with an International
is_dialog_in_progressSpecifies if there is a dialogue in
is_dialogue_answerSpecifies if the returned answer is part of a
delaySpecifies if there must be a delay before answering to the next
of results

Response codes

code reason
404The service is not authorized.
of results

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Wikifriend bietet Software und Hardware mit KI für Smart Home, Smart Health, Sprachassistenten und Computer Vision an

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13409 Berlin
Berlin - Charlottenburg
HRB 183577 B

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